Shooting and videos have started according to reports from within, Woozic Express will launch his debut with the bolder album Extreme together with BTS Video, not wanting to be left behind by other Korean creators who are increasingly enthusiastic about their uncensored nude videos. some models even show the models' Pussy/Vagina without censorship.
The line of models installed at the front are Woohyeon who of course also serves as CEO, and Min.e who according to sources is the main Extreme Model accompanying Woo, as well as a series of new models such as the Xiu which is one of LEE HEE EUN's favorite models (read here), On his debut, Xiu did not hesitate to act completely naked in front of the camera.
Don't forget that Merry is also a special attraction after Merry and the Extreme album which fans have been waiting for.
Stay Tuned at Asian Candy Blog for the latest news and updates about WOOZIC EXPRESS.
[하체운동 루틴]
To see the Woo training preparation video, see the VOD section
Duration : 01:02:35